
Archive for February, 2009



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Su’aidi Dato’ Hj. Safei
Universiti Brunei Darussalam


Over the last decade, a quiet revolution has been going on in the development of a large library of “digital” or “electronic” books. We heard different names for libraries of the future “Cybrary, hybrid libraries, virtual library, electronic library, digital library, networked library, library without walls.”

The problems faced by the learners in doing their researches and assignments commonly due to the lack of library access after the designated hours and the lack of information searching skills. This paper proposes an ICT tool that integrates elements of e-library services within e-learning environment, using the Maktaba Shamela (Comprehensive Library) as a model.

With the emergence of this personal digital library, learners would be able to access e-resources and relevant databases when searching for materials to incorporate into their academic works. Benefits of running Maktaba Shamela:

* Characterized by convenience and speed in the show database search results required to provide time for researchers in thousands of books.

* Characterized by a combination of ancient heritage of collections, including many of the traditional books and modern academic researches and developments.

* Extremely useful and extendable interface. Provides the possibility of browsing and loading thousands of books compatible with Maktaba Shamela from many different formats, link them to authors, search any number of them, export them, etc.

* Free to upload and add resources to form special libraries in individual capacity.

* No commercial cost, not bound to any application or registration requirements, restrictions or obstacles or encryption.

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Su’aidi Dato’ Hj. Safei
Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Da’wah methodology is a discipline which concerns with the question of how Da’wah is performed systematically and strategically. The deliverer of the Islamic Da’wah should convey to the people the systems by which they have to solve their worldly affairs. The secret of the success of the Islamic Da’wah is that it is dynamic and able to deal with man as a man, and initiates in him a comprehensive change.

Da’wah operates on two fronts: (i) towards Muslims who are perhaps unaware of Islam, maybe because of growing up in the western lifestyle and missing out on a proper Islamic education, and (ii) towards our non-muslims neighbours and colleagues, many of whom may be searching for truth. At the very least, we may be able to counter-act the many incorrect stereotypes of Islam and muslims, no one else will do this for us, we have to speak up and show by our behaviour what Islam is all about. By doing this, we may even bring people into the fold of Islam.

Contemporary Du’at face great challenges to systematize and to apply the practical methodology within the new era of modern context. This paper discusses some suggestions that Muslim Du’at, individually and collectively can undertake to accomplish Da’wah goal:

* Performing Da’wah through a Worldwide Islamic Movement.

* Strengthening Da’wah with Technology.

* Using Communication Media and Conducting Seminars and Workshops.

* Displaying the Real Islamic Lifestyle.

One of the best means for Islamic worker to attain the gentle and effective method of Da’wah is to know what he wants. This clear conception and analysis of goals dictates the method the work should follow. Knowing what he wants, the Islamic worker will save effort and time and will make well-planned moves. This will enable him to avoid taking arbitrary decisions which are the results of a lack of planning and proper calculations. Al-Hasan al-Basri was quite right in his saying: “The one who acts without knowledge is like the one who travels on no road, and the one who accomplishes what he doesn’t want, spoils more than he amends.”

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